Reflexology is a deeply relaxing yet powerful therapy carried out with a massage of the feet or hands. Chinese medicine advocates “the whole being found in the one”, and so the whole body and its systems can be accessed through the feet with plantar reflexology, through the hands in hand reflexology.
I believe that reflexology works, not only on the many nerves found in the hands and feet, but also on the Chinese system of the meridians which all begin or end in the hands and feet, as well as the facia which surrounds and connects all organs and areas of the body.
Balance of the body, mind and spirit is not a static end product but
rather a flow of interdependent qualities. How well we move in this
flow is dependent on the balancing and liberation of blockages that
surface along the way. These blockages are not negative nor ever
really “complete”, but rather a lifelong task of growth and
transformation of which the therapy of reflexology can aid in finding
As such my treatments can take many forms. I always follow the
lead of the client, respecting their wish to be silent throughout the
treatment or working with what comes up as it comes up during a
treatment either verbally or energetically.